Five Minute Routines to Transform Your Life

As with every recommendation I make, please take responsibility for your own well-being and please consider everything as an optional invitation.


  1. 5 minute Morning Light Routine
  2. 5 minute Brain Reset Routine. (Can be used multiple times throughout the day.)
  3. 5 minute Evening Downshift Routines.
  4. Tips to get the routine to stick. Please see my post on the science of Habit Formation which goes hand in hand with this post.

5 Minute Morning Light Routine

  1. Wake up at the same time every day.
  2. Step outside for 3-5 minutes as soon as possible (5 minutes of full sunlight or 10 minutes on a cloudy day is ideal for optimal effects on cortisol levels and brain chemistry.)
  3. Stand like Superman or Wonder Woman and hum a powerful song, a meaningful song or whatever tune comes into your spirit.
  4. As you practice this and learn more, you may adjust or add to this routine to best fit you.

(The 3 videos below offer research and explanations for why each of these elements help. I have simply combined them all into one practice.)

Dr. Andrew Huberman
Tony Robbins

5 Minute Middle of the Day Brain Reset Routines

  1. Literally step back from what you are doing and widen your range of focus. (See Huberman interview with Jocko Willink below)
  2. If possible step outside and walk or jog even for just 3-5 minutes. (The bilateral movement your feet and eyes make is calming to the brain as well as the feeling of moving towards a goal.)
  3. Move your body. If you simply can’t leave the room, use Jim Kwik’s resets below (start at 9:32 if you are short on time.)
  4. Look around and simply notice what is around you in this moment.

(Please see explanations and additional ideas in the short videos below. Again I have simply combined multiple elements into one simple routine.)

Huberman: How walking and lateral eye movements relax brain.
Huberman interviews Jocko Willink
Jim Kwik: Skip to 9:32 for the short movement brain resets.

Evening Routines

A well designed evening routine you repeat daily is extremely helpful for sleep.
As a brief note, remember it really helps set our circadian rhythm to go to sleep at the same time each night. Turn off screens an hour before bed.

5 minute Self Compassion Break

Based on Kristin Neff’s research on self compassion

5 Minute Letting Go Routine

  1. Find a comfortable position.
  2. Take a breath, notice the chair or floor supporting you, look around you and if there is no immediate danger, let yourself relax and accept that in this moment I am safe.
  3. Now scan through the day and notice if there is anything that still bothers you from the day.
  4. Take a minute and discover if there is a more satisfying way you have handled it in a satisfying way that aligns with your values?
  5. Play out the scene again in your imagination only this time completing it in the new satisfying way.
  6. Write down if there is anything you want to follow up on the next day about this scenario.
  7. If there are any other concerns write those down as well.
  8. Now switch your attention to what you appreciated about the day.

Tips For Creating and Sticking With a New Routine

Please see my post on the science of Habit Formation which goes hand in hand with this post for additional ideas on making habits stick.

Additional Routine Setting Advice:

Andrew Huberman Morning Routine